Our Pastors

Dr Anthony & Rev. Karen Reed
In 2005 God chose a young dynamic man of God to be the senior pastor Martin Memorial AME along with his wife Karen Reed, and their infant son Anthony Reed Jr. While serving at Martin Memorial God gifted the Reed's with a double blessing by way of twins Jeremiah and Joel. With the new editions, God strengthened the bond of family and solidified the "Reed Team."
Dr. Anthony Reed's innovativeness has infused the very walls of the church and the community at large. He is an anointed preacher, teacher and community leader. Dr. Reed continues to spread the gospel, through speaking engagements, revivals, and workshops around the world.
Spiritual growth continued at Martin Memorial when one part of the "Reed Team" answered the call to enter ministry. The Queenly Karen Reed was ordained a Reverend of the AME church. She is the acting co-pastor of Martin Memorial. Rev. Karen Reed continues to empower, embrace and exemplify what a leading Lady should be.
The "Reed Team" continue to take worship to the next level. Their Sunday services are magnified through their praise and worship and their effectiveness in honoring the move of the spirit.
Dr. Anthony Reed's innovativeness has infused the very walls of the church and the community at large. He is an anointed preacher, teacher and community leader. Dr. Reed continues to spread the gospel, through speaking engagements, revivals, and workshops around the world.
Spiritual growth continued at Martin Memorial when one part of the "Reed Team" answered the call to enter ministry. The Queenly Karen Reed was ordained a Reverend of the AME church. She is the acting co-pastor of Martin Memorial. Rev. Karen Reed continues to empower, embrace and exemplify what a leading Lady should be.
The "Reed Team" continue to take worship to the next level. Their Sunday services are magnified through their praise and worship and their effectiveness in honoring the move of the spirit.