
Senior's Ministry
The Purple Church believes that our seasoned sages of the community must be valkued and appreciated for their knowledge and experience throughout the ages. Our senior ministry specializes in creating a platform that seniors can feel valued and excepted for the gifts God has given to them., as they pour out to the next generation.
Hospitality Ministry
If you have a niche for culinary arts and you believe that God is leading you to be a part of the cooking team then this ministry is for you.
Ushers & Greeters Ministry
Serving is a part of our DNA. The usher ministry helps to enhance the spiritual fiber of the church by showing kindness and love from the parking lot to the pulpit. If your desire is to show love to Gods people this ministry is definitely for you.
Security Ministry
The Purple Church believes that safety and salvation walk hand in hand. As hundreds of worshippers congregate on the campus weekly, safety is our priority. Our ministry is designed to keep a watchful eye on the care of God's people who come to find God in a peaceful place.
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The Purple Church Welcomes You
If you are interested in joining The Purple Church Miami, and a ministry, fill out the form below and we will connect with you.